Friday, April 29, 2016

Meal Planning

I do so much better if I plan our families meals out ahead of time. And while I don't do it 100% of the time, I've found that it keeps my family eating healthier and saves me from the stress of "what are we going to eat tonight?!" I use to think people that meal planned were crazy. Way too organized or OCD. But I've discovered it's not so bad! If I just take a little time to sit down on the weekends I can usually plan out our menu for the next two weeks. Then I make the shopping list to go with it. I try to remember the days we will be eating on the run or when we won’t be home. And I TRY to get the kids input on what we're having! They get to pick things things they like and help decide on any new recipes I want to try.  So get out your favorite recipe book (or get on Pinterest…’s GREAT for recipes!) and start your planning.  There are tons of free printables that you can use as well!  

Have a WONDERFUL weekend!

Friday, April 22, 2016

Earth Day

Happy Earth Day everyone!  There are a lot of things you can do today and this weekend to celebrate Earth Day!  Here is a list to get you going!  

And don’t forget that Nature Fest is going on as well!  Find more details here
Have a WONDERFUL and GREEN weekend!  J

Friday, April 15, 2016


It’s warming up outside and the next few days look to be just LOVELY!  The sun will be out and it will be nice and toasty!  And although we need to always be aware of protecting our skin from getting burned, getting outside has many benefits!   
  1. Vitamin D – This vitamin has several different benefits.  It can help strengthen bones and even prevent diseases like diabetes and heart disease.  You can get this vitamin from a supplement, but you can also get it the good ole fashion way:  sunlight. 
  2. Eye Health – Studies show that being outside helps with nearsightedness.  Artificial light has a negative effect on the eyes.  Getting outside and focusing on objects farther than two feet from your face (not a TV, computer screen, phone, iPad, etc.) can help work your eyes and ward off symptoms like blurred or double vision, dry eyes, headaches, neck and back pain.
  3. Reduces Stress and Depression – Getting outside is relaxing.  Sunlight increases our levels of melatonin and boosts serotonin (the “feel good” hormone).  The noon day sun delivers about 100,000 lux (a measure of luminescence).  Artificial and neon indoor lights only deliver around 150-600 lux.  Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), a type of depression, can happen during long winter months, but is also common in people who work long hours in office buildings.     
  4. Exercise – It’s hard to mention going outside without mentioning exercise.  Lots of activities outdoors get people up and moving.  Gardening, mowing, playing sports, hiking, climbing trees, riding bikes, playing tag, hoola hooping, jump roping…….. The list could go on and on!
  5. Sights, Sounds and Smells – There are so many senses that can be stimulated outside!  The beautiful trees and creeks and mountains…… The sounds of birds and animals and cars…… The smell of grass and dirt and sweat……  Yep, those are all good!  
I spent a lot of time outside when I was growing up.  There weren’t any electronic devices to play with like there are now.  So I climbed trees and rode bikes and went on lots of adventures.  These days….many people are missing out on these fundamental experiences.  Being outside gives kids all kinds of creative outlets!  They get to use their bodies AND their minds.  It’s something that I hope we don’t lose during this age of technology.  So this weekend…….I challenge all of us to do this:

Have a WONDERFUL and ADVENTUROUS weekend!!!

Friday, April 8, 2016


I love a good salad!  But sometimes I run out of ideas about what to put in my salad.  I saw this and thought it had some great ideas!  Salads don’t have to be dull and boring.  Be creative!!!
Have a WONDERFUL weekend!