Friday, February 20, 2015

Snack Time

I love a good snack.  And even better than a good snack is a HEALTHY snack!  One I don’t feel guilty about.  And as a parent…..I find it challenging to make sure my kids are snacking healthily.  We all want convenience and something easy.  I ran across this blog post on the Mealfit website the other day.  I thought it had some very good information!  7 Healthy Kids Snacks  They list hand fruit, cheese sticks, nut butter, eggs, Greek yogurt, Emergen-C and pepperoni as their go-to snack foods.  They also goes into detail about some of the good and bad for each item.  I have my own favs that I try to keep handy.  Cuties, bananas, seed crackers, hard cheeses, hummus, carrots, Annie’s prepacked snacks, dried fruit and nuts…..And the list goes on and on.  It’s just important to be prepared so you don’t have a snack emergency! J What are some of your favorite healthy snacks?!
Have a WONDERFUL weekend!!!  Stay safe and warm!!!

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