Friday, February 27, 2015

Bad Breath

Has this ever happened to you?  You decide to go for the onions at lunch and then realize you have a meeting at 2:00?  Halitosis.  It’s real.  And it’s something that can affect all of us at some point!  
There are some common causes of bad breath.  Certain medications, bad oral hygiene, respiratory/sinus infections, skipping breakfast, mouth breathing, smoking, illnesses and of course foods (garlic, onions, coffee, sugary foods, alcohol, dairy foods, citric juices and red meat) can all cause bad breath.  Of course the biggest culprit is bacteria.  That’s why it’s important to have good oral hygiene and visit the dentist regularly!  Drinking TONS of water also helps (Is there anything water can’t do?!!) by flushing bacteria away and rinsing out the mouth.  Here is also a list of foods that naturally help to eliminate bad breath. 

I hope everyone has a WONDERFUL, stinky breath free weekend!

Friday, February 20, 2015

Snack Time

I love a good snack.  And even better than a good snack is a HEALTHY snack!  One I don’t feel guilty about.  And as a parent…..I find it challenging to make sure my kids are snacking healthily.  We all want convenience and something easy.  I ran across this blog post on the Mealfit website the other day.  I thought it had some very good information!  7 Healthy Kids Snacks  They list hand fruit, cheese sticks, nut butter, eggs, Greek yogurt, Emergen-C and pepperoni as their go-to snack foods.  They also goes into detail about some of the good and bad for each item.  I have my own favs that I try to keep handy.  Cuties, bananas, seed crackers, hard cheeses, hummus, carrots, Annie’s prepacked snacks, dried fruit and nuts…..And the list goes on and on.  It’s just important to be prepared so you don’t have a snack emergency! J What are some of your favorite healthy snacks?!
Have a WONDERFUL weekend!!!  Stay safe and warm!!!

Friday, February 13, 2015

Valentine's Day!

I’m a sucker for a theme……….And what a better time to “theme it up” than Valentine’s Day?!!  Hearts EVERYWHERE!!!  Papa Murphy’s usually sells heart shaped pizzas and word on the street is …..Sam’s has heart shaped steaks!  And if you’re like me and you are rolling into Valentine’s Day at the last minute……this memo just may help you!  J
And if all else fails and the above images don’t inspire you……....remember what day it is tomorrow and SHARE SOME LOVE!!!  It’s good for the heart and great for the soul!  
Have a WONDERFUL weekend everyone!!!

Friday, February 6, 2015


My last few memos have been serious and filled with a lot of information.  But sometimes you just need to laugh!  Laughing is great for you!  Everytime you laugh, endorphins (the body’s “feel good” chemical) are released! So go ahead……chuckle a little bit!  Your body needs it!   #lol 
Have a WONDERFUL weekend!!!