Friday, December 5, 2014


I don’t know what it is about this time of year, but it seems like everyone is baking!  And if you aren’t baking……you are reaping the benefits of the bakers!  There are all kinds of delicious treats lurking around every corner!  And I’m sure you’ve heard or seen different baking or cooking substitution before.  But after I saw this infographic, I knew I had to share it!  It gives you the substitution and the amounts……but it also tells you where to use this substitution.  Just because it works in one recipe doesn’t mean it will work in all recipes!  Plus it has a little key to help you see why the substitution is better (i.e. lowers fat, cuts calories, adds protein, gluten free, vegan, etc.)  Does swapping coconut flour for white flour turn a cookie or cake into a health food?  No.  But it does make it less bad for you and may even add in a little benefit!    I don’t believe in restricting yourself from things you really love.  I think that results in bingeing later on.  But I do believe you can healtherize your favorites!  I can’t wait to try Black Bean Brownies! 
Healthy Baking Substitutions
Have a WONDERFUL weekend!!!

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