Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Turkey Day Facts

Hello all!  I know a lot of you are hustling and bustling trying to get last minute things done before the big day!  So I thought I’d keep it short and give everyone some fun facts I stumbled across!  

I hope you have a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving holiday!

Friday, November 21, 2014


Do you snack?  I admit it……….I’m a grazer.  Sometimes I think I could eat for 12 hours straight!  So I love to find a great and HEALTHY snack!  When picking a snack you want to make sure it’s not filled with empty calories and garbage (candy, chips, etc.).  Be aware that some garbage is hidden as “health” food.  Read the label!  While some of these things may be okay………granola, dried fruit, peanut butter and protein bars can be filled with chemicals and preservatives!  Yuck!!!  I tend to snack on the same things.  What can I say?  I’m a creature of habit.  J  Here are a few of my favorite things!
  • Lightly salted rice cakes with almond butter, natural peanut butter or hummus
  • Cucumbers in vinegar with salt, pepper or creole seasoning
  • Berries, bananas, apples……lots of fruits
  • Lara Bars
  • Tortilla chips and fresh salsa
  • Oats, natural peanut butter, honey and dark chocolate chips
  • Homemade microwave popcorn  (Put 1/2 cup of popcorn kernels, a little salt and  a tbsp. of coconut oil in a brown paper bag, fold the edges over twice and microwave til popping slows.  Voila!) 
Those are just some of the things I like…… Your tastes may be completely different!  Here is a list of some other options that may get your gears turning so you can come up with that perfect guilt free snack!

Hope you have a WONDERFUL weekend!!!

Friday, November 14, 2014

I'm sick!

It was bound to happen sooner or later.  You got sick.  Even after you got your flu shot, stocked up on GermX, washed your hands after you went to Walmart and avoided that co-worker who was coughing their head off all last week.  It happens!  Now the question is:  Can you still exercise?!!!  You don’t want to miss out on working out.  But you also don’t want to make yourself feel worse!  So what’s the rule?! 
Most doctors agree on the “Neck Rule” when it comes to sickness and working out.  If your symptoms are above the neck, including a sore throat, nasal congestion, sneezing, and tearing eyes, then it's okay to exercise.  But if your symptoms are below the neck, such as coughing, bronchial tightness, body aches, fever and fatigue, then it's best to rest for the time being.  
 So choose wisely and make sure to take care of yourself!  Have a wonderful, HEALTHY weekend!!!

Friday, November 7, 2014


For some people, shoes are everything.  They have a new pair of shoes for every outfit and occasion.  Their closets are filled with ever variety of boots, sneakers, flats, flip flops, pumps, etc.  And there are others who may think of shoes more practically.  Something to protect you tootsie wootsies and keep your feet warm.  Whether you are a shoeaholic or a practical Pete……..there are some things you may need to know about your good ole shoes!  We could spend all day discussing what each type of shoe does to your foot and the importance of finding shoes that fit.  But for today, I’m only going to talk about sneakers (tennis shoes, running shoes, gym shoes, whatever you like to call them!).  

First of all, let’s talk about wear and tear.  Shoes are not made to last forever.  They get worn out.  The average shoes is only good for about 300-500 miles (roughly 3-4 months depending on your usage).  Picture this:  You decide to start working out.  You dig out your old sneakers from the closet.  You are doing amazing and working out every day but your knees are KILLING you!  Chances are your shoes are shot.  And while the outside may remain dirt free, the shocks and insides may be completely worn out!  They are still fine to wear when you are running errands or doing your day to day stuff.  But you really may want to think about getting some new footwear for working out!
The next thing to think about is that we don’t have a one size fits all kind of foot.  Flat feet, narrow feet, wide toes, high arches, skinny ankles……you’ve got people that over pronate, people that under pronate…… The possibilities are endless!  So you can imagine that what feels good to one person may not feel good to the next!  Picture this:  You read an article about the latest and greatest new shoe.  It’s endorsed by a fabulous celebrity who has won a ton of sports accolades.  And it’s on sale!  You order it.  It arrives.  And you hate it.  It pinches your toes.  Or feels like you’re wearing a brick.  Or a piece of cardboard.  Whatever!  The point is that this shoe wasn’t made for someone with the same type of foot as you!  You need to do your research.  And by research I just mean try on a bunch of different types of shoes.  Talk to a salesperson that actually know about shoes and what you may need.  It makes a HUGE difference!
The last thing to think about is that there are different types of shoes for different activities.  Some of those cross country shoes are so cool looking!  But I’m not a cross country runner.  So I don’t need cross country shoes.  I need to buy shoes for the activities that I do. 
And here’s some bonus info!  Did you know that there are different ways to tie your shoes to help with different foot ailments?  Yep!  Check it out:
If your laces keep coming untied
If you have a high instep
If you have a wide forefoot
If you have a narrow foot
If your heel slips
If your shoes feel too tight
If you get black toenails
Pretty neat, huh?  So I hope this has helped you understand the importance of shoes for your workout!  They really can make all the difference in the world! 
Have a WONDERFUL weekend!