Friday, September 26, 2014


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again!  Water is SOOO important for our well-being!  It plays a major role in so many of our body’s functions.  And when you don’t have enough, your body will start to tell you.  Do you ever feel tired, hungry or a little dizzy in the afternoon?  Maybe your heart rate is a little elevated or you just feel “off?”  Try drinking a glass or two of water and see if that helps!  You could just be a tad dehydrated!  So drink up!  Nothing hydrates better than some good ole water!  J 
Have a WONDERFUL weekend everyone!!!

Friday, September 19, 2014

Rewind the Future

I’ve debated all week about sharing this video.  It is from a campaign called Strong4Life from the Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta. 
I watched the video on Tuesday and have yet to watch it without crying.  It is very emotional, raw and leaves you feeling very heavy hearted.  I try to use my Get Fit Friday Memos to motivate and encourage and would hate to upset anyone.  Ever.  But after much thought and discussion, this video keeps coming back to my mind.  Be forewarned that it may choke you up!  If you choose to watch it, let me know what you think! 
Rewind the Future
On a lighter note…….The Susan G. Koman Race for the Cure is this Sunday!  Wear your pink and go “Do It for Her!”  Have a WONDERFUL weekend!!!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Food Around the World

Recently I stumbled across an article about the different foods people eat around the world.  It is from a project called “Hungry Planet” by photojournalist Peter Menzel and writer Faith D’Aluisio.  This husband and wife team traveled the world documenting what the average family consumed during any given week.  They took pictures and shared how much each family spent per week on food.  You can see the entire project here.  But here are a few examples:

United States: The Revis family of North Carolina. Food expenditure for one week: $341.98.
Favorite foods: spaghetti, potatoes, sesame chicken.

Egypt: The Ahmed family of Cairo. Food expenditure for one week: 387.85 Egyptian Pounds or $68.53.
Family recipe: Okra and mutton.

Bhutan: The Namgay family of Shingkhey Village. Food expenditure for one week: 224.93 ngultrum or $5.03. Family recipe: Mushroom, cheese and pork.

Mali: The Natomos of Kouakourou - Food expenditure for one week: 17,670 francs or $26.39. Family Recipe: Natomo Family Rice Dish.

Poland: The Sobczynscy family of Konstancin-Jeziorna. Food expenditure for one week: 582.48 Zlotys or $151.27. Family recipe: Pig's knuckles with carrots, celery and parsnips.
It is very eye opening and humbling to look into other people’s lives.  Seeing what Americans eat versus people from around the world is very interesting!  Americans eat a lot of prepackaged and manufactured “food.”  Not food that was grown and harvested by the family.  But “food” that was made in a factory.   We live in a society where food is everywhere.  EVERYWHERE!!!  I think we may take that for granted sometimes.  I know I do!  So I think it is a healthy reminder to think about how other’s live and how blessed we all are.  Choose today to be thankful!  J
Hope you are having a GREAT week!

Friday, September 5, 2014


It’s time again for some feedback!  I want you to think hard about why fitness/healthy eating might be a struggle for you.  Really think about what holds you back.  Then pick a number from the list below and let me know your answer!  And if your reason isn’t on this list then add a number 8!  I want to continue to steer my posts so that I can help you guys!  Your feedback is GREATLY appreciated!!! 

Have a WONDERFUL weekend!!!