Friday, June 20, 2014

HIIT Workouts

Everyone’s time is precious!  And the number one reason for not working out is not having enough time!  But much, much research has been done to prove that you don’t need tons of time to workout.  You just need intensity.  There are many different types of these workouts.  But for the most part they are referred to as a HIIT workout.  High Intensity Interval Training.  That means that you would alternate doing high levels of intensity of an exercise followed by a lower level of recovery.  This type of workout can be done on a variety of different exercises so you can make it something you enjoy (running, elliptical, weight, plyometrics, etc.)!  PLUS you don’t have to workout for as long!!!  This type of workout can results in the quickest way to burn fat and gain muscle simultaneously.  WIN WIN!!!   
Here is an example of a HIIT workout.  Perform each exercise for 30 seconds followed by a 10 second recovery/transition. Repeat the whole circuit 2-3 times.  That’s only about 7 minutes for a super effective and FAST workout!  Try it!!!
Have a WONDERFUL weekend!!!

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