Monday, April 14, 2014

Trail Mix

Does anyone else start to crash around 2:00 or 3:00 in the afternoon?  I start to get sleepy and/or hungry!  Lunch has worn off but it’s still a long time until dinner so I need a little pick me up!  Trail mix is the perfect treat to provide good energy that your body needs!  Trail mix is easy to eat, easy to carry and easy to make!  Avoid store bought varieties which add preservatives and too much extra sugar and make your own!  Here are some ideas for your very own creations!
1. Nuts (almonds, cashews, walnuts, pecans)
2. Legumes (peanuts, baked/dried soybeans)
3. Seeds (sunflower, pumpkin)
4. Dried Fruit (raisins, blueberries, cranberries, bananas, apples, apricots)
5. Granola
6. Dark Chocolate (try to find bits with the highest percentage of cacao)
Some helpful hints………  Try to buy raw nuts when available.  I don’t particularly like raw almonds, but in a trail mix they are great!  Be aware that nuts are great for you but are very caloric.  It’s a good idea to pre-portion your servings so that you don’t eat too much of a good thing!  Experiment!  Try different combinations to see what you like best!

Hope you have a great week!!!

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