Friday, August 19, 2016


It is very important for children to be active!  So I am extremely pleased with the new state law requiring more activity time in schools.  Kids today spend a lot of time zoned out and on devices.  It’s important to keep them active so that when the time comes for them to concentrate and be still….they have have had a chance to use their bodies and move!  Here is a great guideline called the Children’s Activity Pyramid.  Try some of these out with your kiddos!  

Have a WONDERFUL weekend!

Friday, August 12, 2016


Have you missed me?    It’s been a long summer with lots of kookiness!  But I’m excited about bringing back my Get Fit Friday Memos!  So here goes……..

I'm going to be honest with you.....I eat a lot of the same foods.  If something works for me, I stick with it.  ALMOST every day I have the same breakfast, the same snacks, the same lunch and then I jazz it up at dinner.  What can I say?!  I'm a creature of habit!  This may sound boring or pretty bland, but it works for me!  I like the consistency and routine.  Now I'm not suggesting you do the same!  But I do want to point out that there is power in finding what works!  If you think toast and jam is awful and you'd rather have eggs: have eggs!  Even if you ate them yesterday!  If you had a salad for lunch yesterday:  it's okay to have one again!  By being consistent, you can take most of the guesswork out of your meals.  I know I can plan on those foods and that they work for me!   What about you?!  Do you mix it up or stick with the norm?!!
Have a WONDERFUL weekend!