Friday, March 20, 2015



Today is the first day of spring and I couldn’t be more excited!  Bring on the warmer weather!  Springtime is a great reminder that it’s never too late to start something new.  Break of your winter hibernation and get moving!  Here is a PERFECT circuit workout for you! 
Have a WONDERFUL weekend!!!

Friday, March 13, 2015


Breakfast.  It’s the most important meal of the day!  It sets the tone for the rest of our meals and literally “breaks the fast” from our night of slumber.  
Some people skip breakfast because they aren’t hungry or they are looking to lose weight.  But this can often do more damage than anything!  People who skip breakfast are more likely to eat larger meals later on in the day or have heavier snacks to ward off the hunger.  Many studies have been done and show that people that skip breakfast tend to gain more weight and give in to more cravings than those that eat breakfast.  And it’s even more important that kids eat breakfast!  Their growing brains need that fuel to perform their best throughout the rest of the day! 
So what should you eat for breakfast?  Well first, you want to make sure it’s the right kind of breakfast.  Leftover pizza or sugary cereal will not be as beneficial as other things.  And if you’re like me, you’re short on time in the morning!  So here is a list of some healthy options!
  • Oatmeal – Oats are great!  You can make oatmeal a billion different ways.  Add fresh fruit, cinnamon, nuts, dried fruit, flax seeds, chia seeds…. You can mix it up dry with peanut butter, a few dark chocolate chips and honey.  Make it how you like it!
  • Greek Yogurt – This is another food that can be made a ton of different ways!  Add fruit, cinnamon, honey, nuts…..You name it!
  • Fruits – Grapefruit, bananas, watermelon, cantaloupe, blueberries, strawberries, kiwi, raspberries………..Make a fruit salad!
  • Eggs – You can’t go wrong with eggs.  It’s a great protein and you can add all kinds of veggies to it!  Score!
  • Cereal – Not Capn’ Crunch or Lucky Charms….but healthy cereal.  There are many good varieties in the stores.  Kashi, Cascadian Farms, Nature’s Path……read the labels!  You’re looking for high fiber and low sugar!
  • Whole Wheat or Gluten Free Bread Products – Toast, English muffins, etc.  But skip the butter and jelly and add almond butter or a fruit. 
  • Shakes/Smoothies – This is my go-to breakfast.  It’s quick and easy.  Just make sure to pick ingredients and protein drinks that have healthy ingredients and no garbage!  
So wake up in the morning and fix yourself a nice, big, healthy breakfast!  You deserve it!  Have a wonderful weekend!

Friday, March 6, 2015

Brain Power

We all know exercise is good for us.  But did you know it was really good for your BRAIN?!!  Check it out: 

So get up, get moving and get SMART!  J  Have a wonderful weekend!!!