Friday, January 31, 2014

Super Bowl Sunday

It’s here!  The mecca of all football games! THE SUPER BOWL!!!  And along with the Super Bowl comes super food!!!  Who doesn’t love to watch the game (mostly for the commercials) and eat some delicious food?!!  Here are some ways to tweak your old favorites and make them a bit healthier! 
EAT UP!!!!  Have a wonderful weekend!!!

Friday, January 24, 2014


Who doesn’t love Superman?!!!!  Okay… I’m not exactly talking about the Man of Steel here.  I’m talking about the exercise.  J   
A lot of people I talk to suffer from lower back pain.  It’s a very common ailment.  Especially as we age and stop using those lower back muscles.  Admit it.  Most of you are sitting at your desk reading this aren’t you?  We tend to slouch over and put added stress on those delicate back muscles.  Superman exercises are an easy backbend exercise to help counteract all of those hours we spend incorrectly using our back.  And the Superman not only works your back, but it also great for your glutes, hamstrings and shoulders.  Here are a few simple tips to follow:
  1. Start by lying face down on your stomach with your arms overhead. 
  2. Keeping your arms shoulder width distance apart and your feet hip width apart, slowly raise your arms and legs off of the floor and hold.  Lower back down to the ground. 
  3. Repeat for several sets (3 sets of 10). 
  4. Make sure to breath steadily and don’t bounce or move too fast.  Always protect those muscles. 
  5. Beginners can alternate raising their arms and legs (lift right arm and left leg) or raise arms only or legs only.
  6. Advanced options include adding a flutter kick and swimming arms, holding arms and leg wide or other moves such as a hamstring curl or chest opener. 
SUPER simple, right?!  J  I hope everyone has a GREAT weekend!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Cheer Squad

A couple of weeks ago I watched a news blurb about a cheerleading group.  They are called the Sun City Poms.  But unlike most cheerleaders…all of these ladies are over the age of 55.
The group started in 1979 as a cheer squad for the Sun City Women’s Softball Team. Now they perform around 50 shows per year at conventions, sporting events, community meetings, fundraisers, and retirement living centers and care facilities. They even performed at the Fiesta Bowl parade! Sun City has over 100 residents over 100 years old and 2,350 residents over 85 so it is full of active senior citizens. But these ladies take the prize! With tons of enthusiasm and excitement…these women perform pyramids, pinwheels and some even do splits, leg lifts, and headstands!
I LOVE IT!!! This is another example of how you are never too old to be active! You can do anything!!! Maybe someday Cookeville will have a senior cheerleading squad. And if they do… can go ahead and sign this lady up! 
Have a wonderful weekend!

Saturday, January 11, 2014


Quinoa?  Quin-WHAT?!!  Have you heard of it?  Well let me tell you a little about it.  First of all…’s pronounced KEEN-WAH.  And although it seems like a new thing, it has been around for thousands of years.  The Incas cultivated this crop and believed it gave power and stamina to their warriors.  Quinoa is cooked and treated like a grain but is technically a seed.  This tiny seed comes in a rainbow of colors but the kind we see in most stores is an off white color.  Quinoa is a complete protein which means it contains all nine essential amino acids that our body needs.  Complete proteins are hard to come by in the plant world which make it an exceptional protein choice for vegetarians and vegans as well as anyone else wanting to choose a healthy diet.  And while one cup of quinoa only has 8 grams of protein, it’s the quality of the protein that matters!  Quinoa is also a great source of iron, manganese, potassium, riboflavin, copper, phosphorous, tryptophan, B6, niacin and thiamine. 
So how do you eat it?  Well some people just eat it plain.  And some people use it in all kinds of recipes.  Here is a link to 23 different recipes using quinoa:
As you can see…..quinoa is an extremely nutrient dense food.  It’s another one of those foods that I deem SUPERFOOD!  I personally LOVE it and put it in tacos, salads….mix it with chicken.  It’s super easy!  
I hope everyone has a WONDERFUL weekend! 

Friday, January 3, 2014


HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!  I’ve heard a lot of talk this year about New Year’s Resolutions.  Some people make them.  Some people think they are stupid.  Whatever your take is on it, I believe it’s always a good thing when people try to better themselves.  The problem I have with a “resolution” is that so many people feel like a failure if they don’t succeed.  That’s BOGUS!!!  You tried it!  You started something!  You made the first move!  Don’t ever feel like a failure!  Get back up and keep going!  So what if you fell off the horse.  Ride a chicken instead! J The path to success is paved with mistakes and failures. 
Have a WONDERFUL weekend!!!