Monday, September 30, 2013

The New (Ab) Normal

Happy Friday everyone!  I just came across this report called “The New (Ab) Normal” from the CDC and thought I would pass it along.  Hopefully all of us are doing our best to maintain a healthy lifestyle!  A HUGE part of being healthy is made up of what we eat!  Be mindful of what you are using to fuel your body!  J
Here are a few highlights from the report:
  • "The New (Ab)Normal," makes clear how the increase in portion sizes over the past 50 years has corresponded to America's ever-expanding waistline.
  • The average American is 26 pounds heavier than in 1950.
  • About one-third of us are overweight or obese and that number is projected to hit nearly 50% by 2030.
  • At the same time, the size of a hamburger has tripled, a basket of fries more than doubled, and the average soda has grown from a modest 7 ounces to a jumbo 42 ounces
  • A 2009 study of chain restaurants shows that 96% of the entrees served exceeded U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) recommendations for calories, sodium, and fat.
  • The CDC says the average restaurant meal is also four times larger than it was in the 1950s.
Here are some tips for eating out:
  • When you are eating out, especially at a chain or fast food restaurants, the CDC recommends splitting your meal with a companion, taking half home, or ordering the smallest size entrĂ©e on the menu available.
  • They also encourage patrons to ask restaurant managers to provide smaller portions.

Beware of portion size:
  • A healthy serving of fruit vegetables is about the size of a baseball.
  • A serving of meat should be about the size of a deck of cards.
  • A serving of rice is about the size of a light bulb.
  • A serving of fat, such as butter or mayo, should be no larger than a poker chip.

Have a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend and remember to make good choices!  J